01 – Täbriz – 13:06
02 – Senneh – 18:30
03 – Kerman – 07:32
Reinhold Friedl: Inside-Piano, Prepared Piano, Piano
Hannes Strobl: Electric Bass, Electric Upright Bass, Electronics
Hayden Chisholm: Alto Saxophone
Composed and Produced by Hannes Strobl and Reinhold Friedl, Berlin 2008 – 2011
Mastering: Kassian Troyer
P.O.P. (Psychology of Perception)
Which sounds are similar to each other, which different, which repeated, which varied, which altered ? Instrumentally played repetitions, digital repetitions in the effect path of the electric bass, repetitions in another position of the stereo panorama.
Circular breathing repetitions of the saxophone, the repetitions inside the noise of air hissing. The same piano sound in different dynamics, differently prepared, the same prepared sound with different pitches, the same bass tone bowed shortly or longer, differently prepared, with different electronic treatment.
Multiplication of perspectives: multi-phonics, multi-sounds, multi-noises, multi-singing, circling. Perception of velocity: stoppage because of slowly sinking tones, unhurried swinging and swaying, tempo inside the vibrating tone of the saxophone, franticness through high sounds.
The part of the listener decoding the acoustic cryptogram – psychology of perception. Music focussing on it’s own temporality.
The impression of the depth of sound and auditory spaciousness, the flexibility of the electric bass, moving in the stereo panorama, in front of widely expanded inside-piano sounds, keyboard tones dabbed in the foreground, the unreal of the transparent sound of the saxophone tone, which seems to come from the background directly towards the listener.
The equivocation of the third dimension. Slowly mutating patterns, that appear as musical bodies: sensual, three-dimensional, organic as connected elements. Similar elements, repetition and variation. Play and transformation. The limits of the similarity. differenciality. So the ears are focused on the time as the act of becoming itself being observed.
Forgetting the time aspect, repetition and variation become identity and difference. Patterns of similarity. Varied sound colours. Rhythmical turning and lyre modules, asymmetric panning, tapestry and woven carpet,…
excerpt tabriz
excerpt senneh
excerpt kerman