staging augmented reality, experiment 2: sound

doublelucky productions
October 18 and 19, 2024, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin
Part of “Spy on Me #5”

In an open studio, the Berlin-based group doublelucky productions presents new experiments with augmented reality, focusing on sound in space and the creation of audiovisual topographies. HAU3 Houseclub becomes a hybrid sphere of digital and physical bodies that are brought into play with each other. A bass, a horn, a ventilation pipe; in between voices and wandering virtual objects that buzz, whisper, sound and silently disappear again. The audience explores the environment with tablets, triggers sound and image sequences and thus becomes instrumentalists in a collective spatial sound composition.

Music and spatial sound composition by Hannes Strobl
Live music performed by Elena Kakaliagou: horn, Christiane Kühl: voice, Hannes Strobl: electric bass, electric upright bass

By and with: Phillip Hohenwarter, Elena Kakaliagou, Chris Kondek, Christiane Kühl, Lena Loy, David Moss, Fabian Raith, Caspar Schirdewahn, Hannes Strobl