raumfarbe breath austria

Soundinstallation by TAMTAM

Expo Milano 01.05. – 31.10.2015
Austrian Pavillon, Milano (IT)

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The Soundinstalltion is created in the effective context of form and materiality of the pavilion architecture and of all
natural, technical and medial sound events taking place therein.

After a precise analysis of these circumstances, it was necessary to compose an auditory room color,
a to create an atmosphere that will turn the visitors into one with curiosity, thoughtful and
attention in space moving behavior animated.

It is an overtone-rich sound mixture of naturally generated sounds (8 different
e-contrabass tracks played by Hannes Strobl) and algorithmically generated
electronic sounds (reactor patch). A static as well as dynamic sound of the
remains the same in its auditory appearance.
This sound material was recorded on location by TAMTAM and adapted to the
concrete conditions in space mixed.